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Ornamental Ribbons & Embroidery

Ornamental Ribbons & Embroidery

The predominance of customs and traditions has inspired the women of Qeshm Island to take advantage of their taste and ability to produce a wide variety of intricate ornamental ribbons and the finest embroideries (Golabatun doozi and khoos doozi) in which mental strands are inter women with silk or rayon threads. These ribbons with the width of 5mm to 50mm are traditionally used as ornaments on women’s dresses combined with colourful spangles on finely embroidered articles. Because of the market, the items produced with the use of fancy ribbons combined with leather and textiles are wallets, belts, key holders, table clothes, cigaratte boxes, the revitalization of a long standing art which is fading due to the coming in to fashion of new style of dresses which are not in harmony with these traditional ornaments.